Mayo 2018 – Laura y José Javier (Madrid)
¡Todo perfecto!
La verdad que todo de maravilla, una pena volver a la rutina otra vez. Es la segunda vez que contratamos con Nyala Tours, la primera vez el viaje de novios a Kenia con playa en Diani y genial. Esta vez ha tocado crucero por los fiordos y como era de esperar todo perfecto. Da gusto contratar con Nyala Tours se interesan por hacer el viaje al gusto del cliente y además se preocupa una vez que estas en el viaje. Sin duda volveremos a contratar los futuros viajes.
Cruise through the Norwegian fjords – May 2018 – Laura and José Javier (Madrid)
All was perfect!
The truth is that everything was wonderful, a pity though, to return to the routine again. It is the second time that we have booked with Nyala Tours, the first time the honeymoon to Kenya with Diani beach and that was great.
This time we have toured the fjords and as expected everything went perfect. It´s a pleasure to book with Nyala Tours, they have interest in planning the trip to the customer’s taste and also they are concerned once you are on the trip. With no doubt we will book future trips with them.
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